Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blue Geometry Template

We are missing several blue geometry templates from school. Students recently have needed these for math homework and may have forgotten to return them. The templates are easily misplaced as they are very thin. Please ask your child to take a look around your home for one.


Mr. Nielsen

Friday, November 12, 2010

Literature Homework!

While this week's schedule has been a little different because of Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, we are still holding students accountable for work that has been assigned. The students were given approximately 2-3 chapters to read all week. A standard that we are working on in this unit is making reasonable, realistic predictions based on evidence from the text that has been read. Students have been asked to record each prediction in the packet that has been sent home with them. There are a large number of students who have not completed the work, or has not done quality work with the prediction. These students have been asked to redo this work in the packet for this weekend. If your child does not have a literature book at home this weekend, he/she has been given the "ok" by the teacher for having work completed.

Mrs. Lockhart
Mr. Nielsen

Monday, November 8, 2010

There will be ITBS test on Tuesday!

Mrs. Lockhart mistakenly told her students that they would not be having ITBS tomorrow.......they WILL be having tests tomorrow, just not on Wednesday! Sorry for that incorrect information!

ITBS Snacks

If you would like to provide some healthy snacks for the students during their break time this week, please send them to school with your child. There are 14 students in each fifth grade classroom.

Mrs. Lockhart and Mr. Nielsen

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Tomorrow we will begin the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. At conference time you were given an ITBS practice booklet. These sample items are similar to the items that your child will see on the test this week. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast each day.

The schedule for the ITBS is as follows:
Monday: Reading Comprehension, Science and Math Computation
Tuesday: Math Problem Solving, Math Concepts and Estimation and Vocabulary
Wednesday: NO Planned tests at this time
Thursday: Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation and Usage and Expression
Friday: Social Studies and Maps and Diagrams

We will look at the results of these test at the next conference period in March.

Mrs. Lockhart
Mr. Nielsen

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cold Weather Gear!

Even though we have had a mild fall, the temperatures are cooler than they have been in recent weeks. Students are going to need to wear jackets outside for recess. Pants are also a priority. If they wear shorts in the building, they will need to wear sweatpants or other "sporty" pants outside in cooler weather. All students will be going outside unless the temperatures drop below zero.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Candy

WOW!! Bring on the candy for the troops! There was a nice quantity of candy that was turned into the classrooms today. Thanks for filling the pumpkin....it was overflowing with candy! If you have more that you would like to send to school with your child, please do so.

Mr. Nielsen and Mrs. Lockhart


No School on Friday, November 5 due to teacher's professional development day.


This week the students started the week with their review test. This review test covered anywhere from 15-20 words that had been missed on final tests since the beginning of the year. Each student was sent home with a new spelling list for this week. Since we took the review test today, we didn't take a pretest for this list. They will ONLY HAVE A FINAL TEST on THURSDAY.

Litmus Paper Test

Today, students in Mr. Nielsen's class received a small baggy with some litmus paper. They are to test some safe chemicals (with your permission) to see if that liquid is a base, an acid or neutral. We brainstormed a list of possibilities in class today, so they should have a good sized list of items that can be tested. The rules were: NO paints, no toilet bowl cleaner, and nothing from the garage!
Mrs. Lockhart's students will be getting these on a different day.

Mrs. Lockhart and Dr. Stone